Spring clean your life


Have you also been waiting for spring to arrive? Although this year it is again a bit different than earlier, these days not only is our nature reborn, but they also provide an excellent time to lay down the new bases of your life. Would you also like to clean out your everydays and rebuild yourself? It can be helpful to follow the next steps:


As years go by, you change and it is natural that you do not necessarily like spending time with the same people as before. Review your relationships and feel free to end the ones, which do not serve you anymore! Who needs "toxic" friends, energy vampires any more? Of course before you decide, think through who you want to keep in your life and who you will leave out! You can never know whose help you will need years later!


Have you planned too many programmes for the weeks ahead? Sometimes less is more. Review your schedule and take your time to charge up as well! If it is possible, skip those meetings, which are less important. You do not have to be everywhere. Try to schedule smaller-bigger breaks in your day! If you work from home, in the coronavirus period too many online meetings can be harmful.


Have you spent too much lately and put aside too little? It's time to change your saving habits! It's never too late to become financially independent. If you do not know how to start, ask for the help of a financial advisor in the beginning. Today is the day to start laying down the foundations of your future.


Do you lead a sedentary life and have you gained some additional kilos? Change your lifestyle! Slowly good weather will come again and even if the gyms are closed, you can now go and get some fresh air and run a few miles. Then you can continue at home, since nowadays due to modern technology you can find many great fitness videos on the internet. But you can look for a personal trainer as well, many of them hold online training sessions and your dietitian can help to start a new diet. As a lifestyle change coach I will lead you through the whole process and in addition to your lifestyle we can change your professional and private life as well!


Is your dustbin full? Your drawer packed with papers? Are there sheets all over your desk? Empty/ sort them still today! That's the way you get things done. If again everything gets easy to review and clean, you will calm down in the inside as well.


Is your wardrobe packed with winter clothes? Review it still today and find room for the spring ones! Have you gained too many extra weight or lost some lately? Get rid of those pieces of clothing, which you cannot wear for some reasons any more! Sell them, give them away or you can also donate them! There are surely many people who would be happy for them.


Did you use to love playing music when you were younger, but are you having less time for this nowadays? Did you write excellent poems, but today you are not having time for this, either? Did you like gardening? Try to schedule these activities in your everyday life again, with their help you can recharge yourself and gain new positive energies. Afterwards you can also reutilize these in the reshaping of your professional and private life.


It happens to a lot of people that by the evenings or the weekends they get tired and fall on their couches or beds, keep on playing with their laptops or mobile phones, probably their television's remote control and they become social media/media addicts. Be the exception! Turn off everything, have a great talk with your loved ones or grab a book instead! Sometimes everyone needs to go unplugged and silence can have a healing power.

Which one of these tips do you find the most useful? How would you complete the list?

Friendly regards,

Károly Vizdák

lifestyle change & career coach

motivational advisor


#karolyvizdakcoach #lifestylechangecoach #lifecoach #springishere #cleanup #newlife #getsorted