Pounds off! - How to lose weight easily in 3 steps


In the past few days I think there has been no one in Hungary who in some form would not have been impacted by the wind of lifestyle change. Either because they have become even more motivated themselves to appeal to their current of future other half or because they think they should give up hope, that's it for them. Well you may think anything, but I have excellent news for you: your situation is not hopeless at all, either. For today I have brought a 3 step action plan for you, which as a lifestyle change coach I also apply for my clients - if you folllow these steps, you are also guaranteed to start off your path towards a happier future. Are you interested? I am just about to show you the details!

Experts all around the world also have mixed views about what health risks obesity has. According to Gaesser and Blair during the diet programme we mostly have to watch out for also feeling better in the meantime, so the numerical weight loss is not the point during the process. We do not primarily fight against pounds, but for achieving fitness. Another group of researchers, Jakicic, Rogers & Donnelly on the other hand believe that obesity is dangerous in all forms, since it can lead to further diseases such as cadriorespiratory diseases, various types of cancer and type 2 diabetes. Both sides can be right, but if we start the programme with the right supervision, in the long term we can only experience its benefits.

What are the main components of a successful diet programme?

3 main factors:

1. THE RIGHT STRATEGY, so just stick to the programme, should anything happen:

  • Monitor yourselves - lead a regular diary about your diet, weight change and exercise!
  • Transform the environment surrounding you - remove high calory food from home!
  • Eliminate the reasons leading to obesity and set appropriate goals (I already touched upon the importance of setting goals in more previous articles)!


  • Above 200 pounds consume appr. 1500-1800 calories per day
  • Below 200 pounds consume appr. 1000-1500 calories per day
  • Consult an expert for putting together your daily diet plan, tailored to your individual needs!


  • Start with 5 10-minute-sessions of moderate intensity per week!
  • Afterwards continuously increase it to 5 30-minute-sessions per week!
  • In the end aim to reach 200-250 minutes of exercise per week!

Do you also agree that it is not that difficult to reach your goals? Just a well-designed action plan, a little supervision and self control and everything is going like clockwork! As a lifestyle change coach I am also happy to lead you along the way! If you need motivation, don't hesitate to get in touch with me still today and within a few months you can also look into the mirror more satisfied!

Friendly regards,

Károly Vizdák

lifestyle change, business & life coach

motivational advisor


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