Coaching or not coaching?


During the past weeks, months while having spontaneous conversations with my friends and clients many interesting questions have been raised when talking about the topic of coaching. I have had the chance to meet people with various backgrounds and although most of them were really well-informed about coaching as a profession, still as per my experience there were some frequently asked questions, regarding which it is better to dispel a few myths, eliminate misunderstandings. In the frames of this post I would like to shortly summarize these in a non-exhaustive list.

What exactly does the expression 'coaching' mean?

  • the expression 'coaching' is originated from sport psychology, it was transferred in the early 1980's to business life. The original meaning of the word is training, with the coach being the trainer.
  • as per one of my favourite definitions: "coaching means carrying important people to their desired destination".
  • it is a personalized tool, which helps clients in their decisions and in taking responsibility for their decisions.
  • it carries the promise for change: its objective is to help the clients unlock their potentials during the learning process so that they would be their best ever version of themselves, both in their professional and private lives.
  • coaching is a result-orientated partnership between the coach and the coachee, the focus of which is the future.

Then what does coaching NOT mean?

  • it is NOT a simple problem-solving method
  • it is NOT a training: it is a personalized process including two participants and NOT transferring the same generalized pieces of information to a whole group.
  • is NOT a therapy by a psychologist: my clients are NOT ill people, but healthy professionals/private people who are aiming to develop in the future
  • it is NOT consultancy: I do NOT provide ready solutions, advices, but help the coachee to discover opportunities and set future objectives
  • it is NOT mentoring: the coachee and myself are usually NOT members of the same organization and contrary to mentoring, the leadership experience of the coach is NOT a must in this case.

Which areas can you work with me during our coaching sessions?

  • business coaching: are you a corporate leader, a manager? Do you work in the business sphere as an employee who would like to develop himself? Please contact me if you have any questions related to career change, burnout, decision situations, self branding or you would like to develop yourself in any other business related areas!
  • life coaching: together with you, we set future objectives, so that you could lead a successful and complete life - our main topics being self-confidence, self-awareness, lifestyle change, midlife crisis, preparation for new life situations.
  • motivational coaching: are you unhappy about your work? The tasks that you used to work on with huge enthusiasm and the profession that you once considered as your calling? Get in touch with me and I will help you!
  • holistic coaching: are you having a problem impacting your whole life, both professional and private areas? Would you like to develop yourself on all levels? Call me or write to me and we will work together to find a solution!

I have put together this summary only to provide a short insight into the world of coaching, but in the upcoming months I will touch upon many more interesting topics, so please join me in discovering them together!

Károly Vizdák

business and life coach

#coaching #notcoaching #introduction #faq #coachingareas